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Embodied Life

This past year, our life together has been bracketed by social distancing, online gatherings, and virtual meetings. As God's people, we were made for so much more. We were saved and restored to be the living body of Christ. We are an embodied people - joined, connected, and pulsing with the life of God. Paul describes the ethos of this body: “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Corinthians 12:26). We are God's embodied presence in the world. How we live together and love together reflects his image (John 17:20-21). We take our cues from Jesus, who came and dwelled among us as a flesh and blood, embodied human. He walked the dusty paths of Galilee, ate and drank with his disciples, laid hands on the sick, and wept with the broken-hearted. We are embodied just as he was embodied. As we find our way out of COVID and back to some semblance of normalcy, we want to work hard at being the body of Christ. Present. Connected. Engaged. To jump-start our return to embodiment, we will be exploring the “one-anothers” of Scripture this summer. You will find these body-life commandments sprinkled throughout the New Testament. They describe how the people of God can live together and reflect God's image to the world. Since this is summer, expect the messages and our worship gatherings to be shorter. You can also expect a variety of teachers for this series.